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Eastbury Community School



Drama Photo Gallery

Drama Photo Gallery - July 2023

Curriculum Information

The Drama department aims to nurture passion, creativity and challenge in its delivery of drama through the curriculum and across the wider school. Pupils explore and develop strong theatre knowledge and performance skills in a safe and inclusive atmosphere, whilst also enhancing their personal, social and life skills. We aim to foster talent, encourage innovation, and improve communication skills and self-confidence. 

We are passionate about all our students experiencing the benefits of taking part in drama in the curriculum and extracurricular activities, which starts with all students being able to perform in our annual shows. We have worked closely with The Old Vic, Barbican, RSC, UEL and National Theatre to extend learning to our pupils through workshops and trips.  

Our curriculum will enable students to:

  • Develop new skills through a range of different contexts to engage them. 
  • Understand what they need to do to improve, feel valued and respected for their contribution, 
  • Develop a deeper understanding of British values.
  • To explore and develop their spiritual, social, moral and cultural understanding
  •  Learn in a sequential and progressive structure. 

We will enrich our curriculum by:

  • Providing students will structure access to external Arts opportunities to board their horizons. 
  • Establishing cross-curricular links.
  • Providing suitable, regular theatre visits.
  • Encouraging students to support and contribute to the department and the wider school.
  • Producing regular school shows for the public audience, through GCSE showcase evening and whole school productions
  • Participate in performance opportunities out of school where possible.
  • Workshops with drama practitioners

Students will be encouraged to follow their dreams and pursue a huge range of creative career opportunities.

Curriculum Documents