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Eastbury Community School

Home School Agreement


School’s Commitment Eastbury Community School commits itself to:

  • provide a safe, well-ordered, and caring environment where pupils are free from fear and discrimination.
  • ensure that all pupils are given support and guidance to do their best and feel valued as individuals.
  • reward pupils for their academic, sporting and social achievements.
  • deal swiftly with any incidents or concerns relating to our pupils.
  • provide appropriate curriculum pathways to meet the needs and aspirations of all our pupils.
  • have clear aims, targets and expectations for all pupils.
  • provide opportunities for parents/carers to discuss their child’s learning, and give an annual written report of their child’s progress.
  • ensure that all alleged incidents of bullying and acts of discrimination are fully investigated and dealt with according to the agreed policies laid down by the school.
  • offer pupils (through the student council) and parents/carers the opportunity to express their views on school issues.

Ms Sharon Gladman – Executive Headteacher & Ms A Raymond – Head of Primary


Parent’s/Carer’s Commitment I/We agree to:

  • make sure my child arrives at school safely and on time.
  • make sure my child is collected from school on time.
  • ensure my/our child attends in school uniform together with a school bag for reading books, the home - school communication book and any other information/school letters.
  • encourage high standards of attendance and punctuality, and not take holidays during term time.
  • in the case of absence, inform the school immediately, and provide a note explaining the reason for absence upon return.
  • maintain close contact with the school regarding any concerns or problems which may affect learning or behaviour, first raising concerns with my child’s class teacher.
  • regularly discuss learning and progress, and congratulate my child when they receive a reward from school.
  • attend all parents’/carers’ evenings for discussions about pupil progress and where possible, attend school concerts, events and family assemblies.
  • support the school’s behaviour policy, e-safety guidelines, anti-bullying policy and all other school policies.
  • support my child’s learning on a regular basis, sharing stories and supporting with early reading books; also supporting the school’s e-safety policy and monitoring internet use in the home.
  • respect the no parking zone outside the school marked by zig-zags.
  • make sure I inform the school of any change in my/our contact details.


Pupils will follow our school rules, agreeing to:

  • work hard and do their best work at all times.
  • be well behaved all the time.
  • be helpful and friendly to other children and adults.
  • take good care of the equipment and the building.
  • talk quietly inside
  • walk sensibly inside the buildings.


Parents/carers and the School, together we will:

  • support your child’s learning to help them achieve the best.
  • encourage your child to keep the school rules.
  • Treat each other with respect.


Complaints Procedure 

In the rare event that parents have a concern about any aspect of their child's education and general welfare, communication with the school at the earliest opportunity is encouraged to resolve it. 

Parents are asked to contact the appropriate Year Curriculum Co-ordinator, Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, or for more serious concerns, the Head Teacher directly. Governors and Parent-Governors in particular, are also available to parents if they wish to consult them. 


Home-School Partnership Agreement

The staff and governors at Eastbury School share with parents/carers high expectations of all students. We believe students achieve their best when the school, parents/carers and students themselves work together in partnership. We have developed this home-school partnership to support our students to achieve their best at school. 


School’s Commitment 

Eastbury School commits itself to: 

  • provide a safe, well-ordered, and caring environment where pupils are free from fear and discrimination
  • ensure that all pupils are given support and guidance, and feel valued as individuals
  • reward pupils for their academic, sporting and social achievements
  • deal swiftly with any incidents or concerns relating to our pupils
  • provide different curriculum pathways to meet the needs and aspirations of all our pupils
  • have clear aims, targets and expectations for all pupils
  • provide opportunities for parents/carers to discuss their child’s learning, and give an annual written report of their child’s progress
  • ensure that all alleged incidents of bullying and acts of discrimination are fully investigated and dealt with according to the agreed policies laid down by the school
  • offer pupils (through the student council) and parents/carers the opportunity to express their views on school issues.


Parent’s/Carer’s Commitment 

I/We agree to: 

  • ensure my/our child attends in full school uniform together with a school bag containing the correct equipment for learning
  • encourage high standards of attendance and punctuality, and not take holidays during term time
  • in the case of absence, inform the school immediately, and provide a note explaining the reason for absence upon return
  • maintain close contact with the school regarding any concerns or problems which may affect learning or behaviour
  • regularly discuss learning and progress, and congratulate my child when they receive a reward from school
  • attend all parents’/carers’ evenings for discussions about pupil progress
  • support the school’s behaviour policy, e-safety guidelines, anti-bullying policy and all other school policies
  • establish with my child good study habits, and support with homework and revision, use the range of e-resources provided by the school to support and guide my child, thereby supporting the school’s e-safety policy
  • monitor my/our child/’s appropriate use of the internet and social media
  • make sure I inform the school of any change in my/our contact details (in line with GDPR as outlined on the school’s website 


Student’s Commitment 

I commit myself to: 

  • take pride in my own appearance by wearing full school uniform and bringing to school the correct equipment for learning
  • have a positive attitude towards school, keep to the school rules, follow all of the school guidance on safety and behave in a way which helps everybody to learn
  • full attendance and outstanding punctuality to school and lessons
  • work to the best of my ability in school and at home, respond to teachers’ marking and feedback, and use standard English in all lessons
  • respect everybody within the school and local community, their property, privacy and family life so as not to hurt or offend them or bring the school in to disrepute
  • share responsibility for the school environment by looking after school property, books and materials, and helping our school to remain free from litter
  • tell an adult in school about any concerns, or bullying including cyberbullying
  • becoming involved in other activities outside of lesson times and developing my character.
  • act as an ambassador for the school at all times, not using language or actions that discriminate against any other person or groups of people
  • not bring into school any substance or implement which could cause harm to myself or others


Complaints Procedure 

In the rare event that parents have a concern about any aspect of their child's education and general welfare, communication with the school at the earliest opportunity is encouraged to resolve it. 

Parents are asked to contact the appropriate Year Curriculum Co-ordinator, Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, or for more serious concerns, the Head Teacher directly. Governors and Parent-Governors in particular, are also available to parents if they wish to consult them.