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Eastbury Community School


PSHE at Eastbury Sixth Form 

PSHE education at Eastbury Sixth Form is a planned programme of learning through which students acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. PSHE Education stands for Personal Social Health Economic Education. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE education aims to develop the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.   

This PHSE education curriculum at Eastbury is mapped against the KS5 Programme of Study from the PHSE Association and coverage is of equal breadth and depth. The programme builds on the themes covered in Key Stages 3 and 4, going into more depth ensuring the content is age appropriate.  The topics we have chosen to cover and the order has been created using feedback from our student surveys on health and wellbeing which take place twice a year.   

Additionally, input about mental health, wellbeing, anxiety and stress are woven through the tutor and assembly programme.  

These include: 

  • Recognising common mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, self harm and compulsive behaviours 
  • To recognise when they, or others, need support with their mental health and effective 
  • strategies to address difficulties and promote wellbeing. This is further explored through our Mental Health Ambassador Programme.  
  • How to maintain work-life balance, including understanding the importance of continuing with regular exercise and sleep, and balancing time online. 

Aims of PSHE 

PSHE Education Curriculum Intent

The PSHE education Curriculum is built upon our three principles of Excellence, Collaboration and Success.

Excellence: Students confidently demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to make considered and informed decisions which will keep themselves and their communities safe, healthy and happy, now and in the future.

Collaboration: Students work collaboratively, with each other, staff, and external agencies, developing the critical thinking skills required of active citizens with integrity, empathy, and respect. Students are encouraged to celebrate diversity, challenge prejudice and discrimination and develop the skills to access appropriate support when needed.

Success: Students can recognise and manage risks and develop healthy lifestyles and relationships. They are aspirational and resilient, equipped to embrace the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up and in adulthood. 

The KS5 PSHE Programme at Eastbury Sixth Form 

Students are taught PSHE education as part of their Enrichment Programme with some topics being covered through the Form and Assembly Programme. As well as our dedicated team of Enrichment teachers we also have input from quality-assured outside speakers when appropriate. 

enrichment pshe 2324 website.pdf