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Eastbury Community School

Early Years Foundation Stage

When we give every child the best start in their early years, we give them what they need today. We also set them up with every chance of success tomorrow. 

Department of Education, 2021

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement


At Eastbury Community School Primary, we believe Early Years Foundation Stage is fundamental in obtaining solid foundations that children are going to continue to build upon. It is our intention that pupils who enter our Early Years develop verbally, physically, emotionally and cognitively whilst embedding a positive attitude towards school and learning. In providing children with an effective ‘Quality of Education’, we aspire to deliver a curriculum that is vibrant and creative and that puts our pupil’s interests at its heart.  Our aim in EYFS is to excite pupil’s imaginations and inspire them to learn. We want to extend their horizons, deepen their understanding and meet their needs, so they can become successful lifelong learners.


Our EYFS curriculum at Eastbury Community School is ambitious, rich and diverse to suit the individual needs of our pupils within our local community. The skills and knowledge that pupils will acquire will equip pupils with the skills to be school ready. Our curriculum has developed in line with the new statutory framework to ensure that pupils develop age appropriate skills and knowledge in order to achieve Good Level of Development (GLD) at the end of Reception. The curriculum is broad and balanced whilst offering plenty of opportunities for the pupils to engage in activities that are of their interest. We have very high expectations of our pupils and we provide high quality provision to captivate their curiosity and develop critical thinking. Our pupils are given plenty of opportunity to develop the core skills needed to succeed within early reading and early mathematics.

How is the curriculum sequenced?

Pupils in both our Nursery and Reception classes follow the EYFS Curriculum, which has seven main areas of learning.

The Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social, Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

The Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Throughout all of these areas of learning and at the heart of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum are the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’. These are:

  • Playing and Exploring – Engagement
  • Active Learning – Motivation
  • Creating and Thinking Critically – Thinking

How do we build on prior knowledge and skills?

Within our EYFS curriculum, core skills and knowledge are taught and developed through daily robust phonics lessons ensuring that pupils meet or exceed age related expectations, so they begin to read quickly. Formative assessment is carried out throughout each lesson, ensuring that those who are likely to fall behind catch up quickly through timely intervention. During child-initiated learning, pupils develop independence and are given the opportunity to rehearse the skills and knowledge that are developed during carpet sessions and focused activities. An enabling environment is paramount to each child’s development and this enables pupils to apply the core skills and knowledge to their independent work. At the beginning of the academic year, pupils carry out the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) and phonics assessment which is used by practitioners to inform planning and personalise learning. Short term and long-term goals are regularly reviewed and half termly assessments are carried out to support teacher’s assessments. Tapestry is used as profile alongside parents to create a holistic view of each individual child; this supports half termly teacher assessments and also provides a dialogue of communication between parents and teacher.

Our indoor and outdoor learning environments are modified regularly to meet the emerging and different needs of individual pupils across Early Years. We aim to ensure that these areas are always inspiring, stimulating and exciting and that, importantly, they are accessible to all children, regardless of where they are on their learning journey through self-selection zones.

Forest School

As an inner London city school in a residential area, we are extremely fortunate to have a Forest School in our outdoor environment to provide our pupils with a specialised learning approach in a natural environment with trees.   Forest School (FS) is a specialised approach to outdoor learning that aims to develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning in a woodland environment.  At ECS, it is a long-term process of regular play sessions to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world and offers our pupils the opportunity to take supported risks and experience the awe and wonder of nature.

How do we implement the recovery curriculum?

In Early Years, we aim to support young children’s development, particularly in social and personal skills as well as their numeracy and early literacy skills. The recovery curriculum ensures all pupils have the very best start to their education.  We ensure all Prime areas are secure which will support our pupils to progress in their school career. All adults within EYFS are available for children to ask questions, talk about their concerns and provide reassurance.


At ECS, we strive to ensure our children reach the Early Learning Goals (ELG’s) at the end of Reception. EYFS practitioners track progress throughout the academic year to ensure rates of progress are at least good for all children, including children with SEND or who are disadvantaged. 

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

EYFS Intimate Care Policy

EYFS Home Learning Policy

Long Term Planning 

Reception - Early Learning Goals

Nursery Curriculum Overview

Reception Curriculum Overview

Maths No Problem! - Term 1

Maths No Problem! Term 2

Maths No Problem! Term 3

Nursery Medium Term Planning

Nursery Spring 1 MTP

Nursery Spring 2 MTP

Nursery Summer 1 MTP

Nursery Summer 2 MTP

Reception Medium Term Planning

Reception Autumn 1 MTP

Reception Spring 1 MTP

Reception Spring 2 MTP

Reception Summer 1 MTP

Reception Summer 2 MTP

Useful Links

Development Matters - Curriculum Guidance

Development Matters - Early Learning Goals (Reception)